Hall of Fame Elites
We are grateful for your loyalty.
Thank you!
Loyal customers deserve rewards! At Sliders, we take pride in giving away many! Our Loyalty Program has been available since the early days, and any All-American wing, burger, beer, and sports lover out there are welcome to join.
Simply download Sliders Grill & Bar App (Google Play or APP Store), enter your information to create your account, and once complete, you’re an official Rewards Member. You can also Register Your Card or Check Your Balance at any time.
Some of our customers have earned the elite “Hall of Fame” status, so not only do they deserve rewards, but they also deserve an honorable mention. Please help us to congratulate our Hall of Fame Elites.
Olardy Alicea |
Max Aponte |
Scott Asselin |
Lisa Balesano |
Mallory Beddows |
Jeffrey Bess |
Dean Boucher |
Lonnie Bradley |
Dawn Broadley |
Al Brunelle |
Thomas Cashman |
Tyler Cassidy |
Robert Chasse |
Kathy Corona |
Wayne Corriveau |
B. Danny |
Andy Donofrio |
John Dorio |
Nathan Dube |
Rob Edmunds |
Christopher Fagan |
Troy Fazzone |
Scott Federowicz |
Mike Fiddler |
John Flynn |
Kevin Franck |
Larry French |
Tom Gaudette |
Colleen Girouard |
Amanda Grabowski |
John Gray |
TJ Guardarrama |
Michael Hall |
William Herron |
Al Herzog |
Jeff Hunt |
Brandon Janelle |
Wendy Jersey |
Joe Kennedy |
Josh Krusewski |
Michael Kuczuk |
John Lalla |
Kimberly Lauray |
Ernie LeBlanc |
John Linnick |
Mark Maile |
Andrew Marcsok Jr. |
Matthew McPhee |
Frank Mendez |
TJ Mitchell |
Chris Mondak |
Philip Moore |
Scott Nadeau |
Kevin Nadeau |
Glen Nelson |
Dominic Nesta |
Brian Obbagy |
Billy Patterson |
Edward Patz |
Tim Peterson |
John Phelan |
Karol Plewa |
Brendan Porylo |
Jerzy Pytel |
Dennis Ross |
Wayne Roy |
Jon Ruch |
Bill Salwocki |
Brandon Sheridan |
Ed Shura |
Michael Sousa |
Aileen Stevens |
Kelly Sweeney |
Toby Taradeina |
M. Tolokan |
Mike Veleas |
David Weiss |
JoAnn White |
Jonathan Zulkeski |